iPhone 3G and Firewire Charging

I am not sure how many readers still have a firewire iPod charger, but I do. It’s from my 1st Generation 4GB Green iPod Mini. And with that I was thinking about it for a little bit earlier and wondered if the iPhone 3G can support charging over firewire. I knew it wouldn’t support syncing, but I thought maybe it might support charging over firewire. Not that I should be surprised, it does not. So no firewire love for iPhone 3G from Apple. Thought the readers should know about this little killjoy, and the iPhone 3G has marked the official end to firewire charging.

I just verified that it was not a software related issue, but a hardware related one. My 1st Gen iPhone will still charge over firewire, even with the 2.0 firmware.

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