Declutter Your Menu Bar With Bartender 2


Bartender is an app that I am surprised I didn’t pick up sooner. Like all of us, I’ve not been the best steward of my Menubar. There is a lot of cloud syncing services, random utilities I reviewed, and other apps. I removed a few, but there’s a lot that I use, just rarely enough that I see it all the time. Bartender lets me hide all those in a sub menu.

The new version of Bartender adds a few more improvements. You can now use a hot key to pull up the submenu and nevigate all your menus via the keyboard. If you forget where you stashed the icon, you can also search for it by name. This cleaned up the look of my Mac’s menubar, but the added keyboard functionality was the real benefit.

What’s Good?: Great way to clean up all those extra menu bar items.

What Sucks?: Hides those utlities you never you, you probably should just uninstall.

Buy It?: If you’re menu bar could use a clean up, grab Bartender. It’s $15.00 directly from the developer.

Mac geek? Gamer? Why not both? Mike is a writer from Wisconsin who enjoys wasting immense amounts of time on the Internet. You can follow him on Twitter.