Let your unborn baby choose its name using an iPhone app

A new app developed by Nathan Parks shows us that creativity is still alive in the app world.

He has released a unique app called Kick to Pick, which essentially is a baby-naming application for iOS devices — that also let’s the baby have a say. The app allows the whole family to help decide on the baby’s name, and it’s a good thing you can dismiss that unborn tike’s suggestions so you aren’t lumbered with a crazy named kid forever.

There is a huge list of thousands of baby names for boys and girls included, or you can also create your own list of favorites that you’d like everyone to choose from. Then all you need to do is select the list of names you’d like to use, put the device into Airplane mode (to prevent any false positives) and place your device against mom’s bump.

The app will cycle through the list of baby names until it detects movement on the device, allowing the baby to “choose” a name. Parents then have the choice to accept that name or to restart the process .

I really like apps that do something alternative; this concept is very clever to take this motion activation and use it in a fun family way. I also really like their icon and the theme of the baby monitor running throughout because that is a sight that most parents will be getting used to if they aren’t already.

Currently the app is priced at $0.99 for an introductory period.

Article Via MacNN

Chatty Canadian in the UK. Dancing queen in my head. Digital Communications Lecturer. Mac computer fan. Mac makeup fan. iOS developer. Popcorn eater. Was producer & host of quirky app review show Apps & Hats.